

A constraint is a limitation or restriction.

With the great potential of 3D modelling there comes great restraint, as there are many restrictions that can hold you back and make it difficult to show companies what you’re made of. such constraints are:

As the programs we use to create 3D models are so successful its obvious that they aren’t going to be cheap which of course is the first problem in this case because a decent piece of modelling software can cost £3000+, unless you work for a company which needed such software then they would most likely cover the costs for you. If you are a student in education however you could obtain the software at a discount or even free depending on the latest offer, an example of this would be for 3Ds max which is currently being given away free for 2 years to all students currently in education, which is brilliant as there is a constant demand for the use such software. If you are not a student or you don’t work for a company then that is a big restriction as many people will have insufficient funds, which initially slows down the process of big companies finding new talent.

software requirements;
Another 3D modelling constraint is the specification requirements, below are a list of the specifications required (System Requirements) to run Autodesks’ 3Ds Max,

  • Intel® Pentium® 4 1.4 GHz or equivalent AMD® processor with SSE2 technology*
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
  • 2 GB swap space (4 GB recommended)**
  • 3 GB free hard drive space
  • Direct3D® 10 technology, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card† (256 MB or higher video card memory, 1 GB or higher recommended)
  • Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
  • DVD-ROM drive††
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8.0 internet browser or higher or Mozilla® Firefox® 3.0 internet browser or higher
  • Internet connection for web downloads and Autodesk® Subscription-aware access
With 3d development software there are some issues which may slow you down because the programs are so big, the bigger, better and more complex your creation the more difficult it is going to be to run or even save your work as the files can get pretty large, so a more recent and new computer would be much more beneficial.

Knowledge of the software;
It’s all well and good being able to get hold of the right software but if you don’t understand it or how to use it then that can also be a constraint. The software isn’t quite that simple or straight forward to those who haven’t used it before either in education or for a company because it can be very complicated and take a lot of time and effort and can cause a decent amount of stress unless of course you know what your doing. But thanks to the internet, no matter what your troubles are, you can always a tutorial somewhere either it be a page full of text and images explaining what to do or a video tutorial on Youtube or one example). If you are completely new to the software then a video might be the best option as some terminology or tools used might not make sense in the slightest. – here is a link to a tutorial video on youtube showing you how to make a simple football in 3Ds max.

But restrictions like these aren’t just in 3D modelling, almost all types of media have constraints and no matter how much we improve our technology there are always going to be some obstacles, so don’t let them hold you back!

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